Saturday, September 17, 2011

Free standing air conditioners

Free standing air conditioners are portable air conditioners having independent unit with a blower, compressor and various other electrical parts. Since they are highly portable, a free standing air conditioner can be used for spot cooling. They are suitable for small offices, attics, rooms and extra cooling solutions for computers.
Free standing air conditioners operate on self evaporating technology and they are designed such that they provide smooth, efficient cooling system with out any permanent installation. Free standing air conditioner is based on refrigeration cycle having a compressor and a fan. Moisture is absorbed into the unit from air resulting in a cooler temperature. In addition, water gets recycled that gets utilized to the cool the system. In air conditioners-free standing models, condensed water evaporates without exhaust air, which decreases the effort of taking out water from the tank manually.
The advantage of free standing air conditioners is that they are very cost effective since you can drag them anywhere and hence you need not invest on multiple ACs. Free standing room air conditioners provide best spot cooling solution in hotels and bars. Air conditioners-free standing models are also great for dehumidifying and they are highly effective. They can not only keep your room cool but also remove moisture, which gives rise to microbes and pathogens. Free standing air conditioner is ideal for small offices, homes and places where there are no windows or installation of an AC is not possible.